About Us

ASAR Humanity was established on November 1, 2018 to be a humanitarian organization focusing on solving humanity’s biggest problem, namely POVERTY. We aim to work hand in hand with elements in society for a just and prosperous society. 


Supported by the community’s generosity, ASAR Humanity focuses on five pillars of action: disaster emergency response, support for education, food distribution, healthcare assistance, and aid for the Muslim world.  


To strengthen our struggle in expanding goodness, ASAR Humanity has collaborated with other movements, organizations, and corporations in making their best contribution in dealing with humanitarian crises in Indonesia and the world.

Our vision  


To be a global philanthropic organization based on the principle of humanitarianism that is professional and trustworthy to bring solutions to the problems in society.     

Our Missions    
Developing and optimizing partnership collaboration nationally and globally.   

  1. Developing and optimizing volunteer-based networks of humanitarian actions nationally and globally.   
  2. Developing and optimizing networks of philanthropy nationally and globally.  
  3. Utilizing masterpiece programs to contribute and bring solutions to the society’s problems.  
  4. Optimizing philanthropic fundraising and fund management in a trustworthy, transparent, and professional manner.   
  5. Building and optimizing organizational resources and capacity effectively and efficiently.   

Legal Registration  

  1. Deed of establishment of ASAR Humanity Foundation number 26 dated 22 November 2018, Notary: Nur Qomsah Sukarno, SH.  
  2. Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia number: AHU-0021924.AH.01.04. Year 2018, November 30, 2018. 
  3. Risk-Based Business Licensing with Business Registration Number 9120413251826. 
  4. Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Decision Number 745/HUK-PS/2022 regarding the Licensing of Donation Collection by Asar Humanity Foundation.