THE INDONESIAN VOLUNTEER ACTION UNITY (KSATRIA) is a volunteer forum that is part of ASAR Humanity, building networks in various regions, maintaining and developing capacity, and utilizing volunteers in carrying out humanitarian actions for institutions both on a local and national scale. KSATRIA is here to facilitate collaboration for anyone who wants to contribute to helping others. A soul that lights up to share whatever we can give. Time, ideas, energy, work, and funds. His enthusiasm is to immediately provide real solutions for anyone who needs them.
KSATRIA also becomes the motor that drives various actions reaching humanitarian and disaster areas in remote areas of the country. Starting from the beneficiary assessment phase to implementing the assistance. Furthermore, KSATRIA volunteers also receive literacy/training to periodically upgrade their skills and insight into the world of volunteerism, such as Volunteer Spirit Orientation, Disaster Boothcamp, Leadership Training, Exploring the Archipelago, etc.