
Kemitraan UPZ : 0813 1570 5452
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Graha Asar, Jl. Raya Tapos No.17 A, Tapos, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16464

It's time to expand collaboration by becoming a Managing Partner of ASAR Humanity's ZIS (MPZ).

ZIS Management Partner (MPZ) LAZNAS ASAR Humanity is an institution or organization or community that collaborates with LAZNAS ASAR Humanity to optimize zakat, infaq, alms and DSKL philanthropy in a professional, trustworthy and accountable manner in order to broadcast Islamic values ​​while spreading extra benefits for people.

  • Objectives of MPZ ASAR Humanity
  1. Encourage the continued development of the professional ZIS movement which was born from community initiatives.
  2. Expanding the benefits of ZIS in building a better life for mustahik.
  3. Provide solutions for ZIS philanthropic activities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Benefits of Becoming an MPZ ASAR Humanity
  1. Provide solutions for ZIS philanthropic activities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Support for developing organizational capacity in collecting, administering and utilizing ZIS better and more professionally.
  3. Become part of the MPZ LAZNAS ASAR Humanity National Network in order to provide the best contribution and build collaborative programs with extra benefits.
  4. Mentoring support, in person and online for easy consolidation, donor transparency, and broader philanthropic activities.
  • MPZ ASAR Humanity document
  1. ASAR Humanity ZIS (MPZ) Managing Partner Brief (download)
  2. Example of Application Letter to Become a Zakat Management Partner of ASAR HUmanity (download)
  3. Sample Letter of Approval of Terms and Conditions for ASAR Humanity Zakat Management Partners (download)
  4. Laznas ASAR Humanity logo black (download)
  5. Laznas ASAR Humanity logo white (download)